van Ballegooy, S., Cox, S.C., Thurlow, C., Rutter, H.K., Reynolds, T., Harrington, G., Fraser, J. and Smith, T. (2014) Median water table elevation in Christchurch and surrounding area after the 4 September 2010 Darfield Earthquake: Version 2, GNS Science Report 2014/18, April 2014. ISBN 978-1-927278-41-3. 79 p and 8 Appendices.
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The link to the full report in the reference above returns a 34.1 MB document with 150 A4 pages. This provides printable overviews of the maps that will normally be viewed in Map Layer CGD5160. However, two of the report's pages and many within the appendices are A3 size. Use the High Resolution Report 2014/18 with A3 Maps (85.8 MB) if you need to print them on A3 paper. These are both large documents so A4 and high resolution versions of the report body and appendices are available as individual documents below.
van Ballegooy, S., Cox, S.C., Agnihotri, R., Reynolds, T., Thurlow, C., Rutter, H.K., Scott, D.M., Begg, J.G. and McCahon, I. (2013) Median water table elevation in Christchurch and surrounding area after the 4 September 2010 Darfield Earthquake: Version 1 DRAFT, GNS Science Report 2013/01, March 2013. ISBN 978-1-972192-34-4. 66 p and 8 Appendices. (Superseded)