Bradley, B.A. and Hughes, M. (2012a) Conditional Peak Ground Accelerations in the Canterbury Earthquakes for Conventional Liquefaction Assessment, Technical Report for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. 13 April 2012. 22 p.
Bradley, B.A. and Hughes, M. (2012b) Conditional Peak Ground Accelerations in the Canterbury Earthquakes for Conventional Liquefaction Assessment: Part 2, Technical Report for the Ministry of Business, Innovation and Employment. 22 December 2012. 19 p.
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Bradley B.A. (2014) Site-specific and spatially-distributed ground-motion intensity estimation in the 2010–2011 Canterbury earthquakes. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering 61–62(0): 83-91. 10.1016/j.soildyn.2014.01.025 and Preprint